Community Voice: How Can Local Schools Better Serve Migrant Students
Community, community voice, District 99, Education, ImmigrationCicero Independientemigrants, migrant children, education, resources, Spanish speakers, spanish learners, D99
Cicero Independiente 2023 Holiday Gift Guide
Community, Community HighlightCicero Independientesmall business, support local, Latinx, Latine, holiday, christmas, cicero, 2022, Big Mich, Chimoy, Con Huevos, restaurants, local, accessories, treats
‘The Air We Breathe:’ How the Koppers Plant Became, and Remains, Cicero’s Toxic Neighbor
Environment, Government, InvestigativeCicero IndependienteKoppers, air pollution, cancer causing chemicals, EPA, environmental justice, Stickney, El Aire Que Respiramos, The Air We Breathe
Town of Cicero Implements New Measures for Community Safety and Infrastructure Advancements
Community, Board MeetingsLeslie HurtadoLarry Dominick, Cicero, Town of Cicero, board meetings, funding, community, Olympic Theater, food trucks, traffic control, 38th street, 58th court, Latino Alzheimer's and Memory Disorders Alliance, Un Nuevo Despertar, domestic violence
Girl-Led Program Allows Young Girls To Dream Big
Town of Cicero Greenlights Infrastructure and Flood Relief Measures
Board Meetings, GovernmentLeslie Hurtadocicero, town board meetings, local government, Larry Dominick, town money, tax money, community funding, government, environmental justice, fema, flooding, climate change, funding, aid, relief, emergency management, Bobby Hull Ice Rink, water line management, storm water, open government positions, crossing guards, storm water advisory board, inclusion park, flood infrastructure, Veterans, flood repairs, District 99, sewers, sewer rodding, Department of Homeland Security's Fire Prevention & Safety, Organized Retail Crime Grant Program
The Air We Breathe: Our Network of Sensors Shows How Industry is Still Polluting Cicero’s Air
Community, Investigative, EnvironmentCicero IndependienteCicero, air contamination, air pollution, Larry Dominick, industrial area, industrial zones, green spaces, environmental justice community, Amazon, Kropp Forge, Corey Steel, Koppers, The Air We Breathe, El Aire Que Respiramos
Past Berwyn Shops Vendors Share Their Stories
CommunityLeslie Hurtadocicero, berwyn, local vendors, small businesses, pandemic, latina, women, community, support, business plan, resources, Flores by Alba, Whimsical Flowers, Vulgar Vegan Cupcakes, Juicey Gems, Berwyn Shops, Berwyn Sprouts
Corazón Community Services Is A Cicero Cultural Powerhouse
Community, YouthJorge MartinezCorazon, youth services, resources, computer lab, Cicero, youth opportunities, STI testing, community, youth
Town of Cicero to Develop Storm Management Master Plan After Historic Floods
Board Meetings, GovernmentEfrain Sorianocicero, town board meetings, local government, Larry Dominick, town money, tax money, community funding, government, environmental justice, fema, flooding, climate change, funding, aid, relief, emergency management, Bobby Hull Ice Rink, water line management, storm water, open government positions
Historical Archives Continue To Thrive In Local Establishment
CommunityAnkur SinghCicero history, Cicero, Berwyn, Berwyn history, architecture, culture, czech heritage, latino, latinx, latine, hawthorne, western electric company, heritage, immigrants, history, Victorian, local businesses
Corporate Authorities Of the Town of Cicero Approve Residential Flood Control Program For $2,000 Each Eligible Applicant
Board Meetings, GovernmentLuis Velazquezcicero, town board meetings, local government, Larry Dominick, town money, tax money, community funding, government, police funding, environmental justice, lead, clean water, polluted water, pollution, fema, flooding, climate change, funding, aid, relief
What Cicero Can Do To Mitigate Flooding, Provide Cleaner Air And Alleviate Heat Waves
Community, Environment, GovernmentGuest UserJuly 2nd flooding, Cicero, environment, Town of Cicero, green infrastructure, environmental justice, flooding, climate change, clean air, air pollution, heat waves, Berwyn, Oak Park, Chicago
How To Apply For FEMA Assistance Regardless Of Immigration Status
Community, Environment, ImmigrationGuest Userenvironment, FEMA, aid, relief aid, Resources, flooding, undocumented immigrants, immigration
Town of Cicero Sets a Limit To Electronic Gambling Machines At June Board Meeting
Board MeetingsEfrain Sorianocicero, town board meetings, local government, Larry Dominick, town money, tax money, community funding, government, Laramie Avenue, government positions, police funding
Town Board Discusses Parking Regulations Along Laramie Avenue and Purchases New Police Vehicles
Board MeetingsEfrain Sorianocicero, town board meetings, local government, Larry Dominick, town money, tax money, community funding, government, Laramie Avenue, government positions, police funding
A Community-Led Approach to Stopping Flooding Expands
Community, Environment, Government, HealthGuest Userenvironment, health, government, community, flood, green infastructure, aid
Missing TIF Money Reports Hang Question Marks Over The Town of Cicero, Residents Say
Community, Government, TaxesJorge MartinezCicero, TIFs, tax increment financing districts, investment, government, funding, taxes, transparency, public accountability
Marching with Pride: Berwyn’s Fifth Annual Parade to Celebrate LGBTQ+ Community
Cicero Community Collaborative Opens First-ever Cicero Center
CommunityJorge MartinezCicero Community Collaborative, resources, anti-violence, counseling, advocacy, computer lab, spaces, activities, Cicero, Berwyn