Posts tagged Town of Cicero
Opinion Editorial: Another Term for Dominick, Continued Fight for Accountability in Cicero
Community, community voice, Government, Featured, opinionJesus J. MonteroTown of Cicero, Larry Dominick, Municipal Elections, Budget Hearing, Grassroots Organizing, Cicero Residents United, Transparency, Public Accountability, Taxpayer Dollars, Civic Engagement, Community Advocacy, HUD Grant, Flood Prevention, Cicero Independiente
Town Approves Various Informational Tabling Events Coming in 2025 and Holiday Gift Cards for Senior Citizens and Children
Board MeetingsMelina Pineda AguilarEl Valor, Cicero, Town of Cicero, Larry Dominick, Community Resources, Cicero Job Fairs 2025, Family Focus, Target Gift Cards, Senior Services, Holiday Support Initiatives, Toy Drive, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Lady Guadalupe, Sam’s Club, Planning and Zoning Commissions, Communications, Public Works, Street Cleaning, Pace, Senior Citizen Holiday Support, Low Income Resources, Illinois Department of Transportation, Novotny Engineering, Street Maintenance, Settlements, Cicero Police Department, Cicero Voters Alliance
Cicero Approves Permits From Organizations and Receives Grant Money for Lead Service and New Equipment for the Fire Department
Board MeetingsMelina Pineda AguilarTown of Cicero, Larry Dominick, Local Government, Community Organizations, Mutual Aid, Cicero Community Collaborative, Corazón, The Boys Club of Cicero, Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Food Pantry, El Valor, Our Lady of the Mystical Rose, Día de los Muertos, Salvation Army, Thanksgiving Meals, Gift Cards, Tony’s Finer Foods, Cicero Fire Department, Fire Truck Repairs, Chick-fil-A, Software and Technology Spending, Cook County Sheriff’s Police Academy, Grant Funding, IEPA, Lead Line Replacement, Environmental Initiatives, Pedestrian Safety, Stop Signs, Property Transfer Ordinances
Cicero Approves Health Partnership, Utility Study and Debuts New Inclusive Park
Board MeetingsLeslie HurtadoTown of Cicero, Larry Dominick, Local government, Chamberlain University Clinical Partnership, Student Placements, Water rate, Anti-theft grant, Cicero Water Department, Vactor Truck Repairs, Cicero Fire Department, Civic Engagement in Cicero, Cicero Residents Initiatives, Food drive, Red Feather Organization, Cicero Community Chest, Iglesia Evangelica Cristiana Espiritual, Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Girl Scouts, Cicero Health Department, Novotny Engineering, Grants, Illinois Attorney General, Workers Compensation Settlements, Employee Safety, Phil Fuentes Ability Park
Cicero Board Approves Parades, Infrastructure Upgrades, and New Communications Specialist
Board MeetingsLeslie HurtadoTown of Cicero, Cicero, Larry Dominick, Community Development Block Grant, Phil Fuentes, Phil Fuentes Ability Park, Infrastructure, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Great, Lakes Urban Forestry, Tree Inventory, Morton Arboretum, Illinois Department of Public Health, School Crossing Guards, Education, D99, D201, Youth Safety, Pedestrian Safety, Taxes
Community Voice: ‘Protests are part of the American DNA’
community voiceGuest UserPalestine Opinion Editorial, Liberation, Cicero, Town of Cicero, Palestine, Gaza, occupation, Israel, Nakba, human rights, Latinx, Latine, Hamas, Benjamin Netanyahu, genocide, State Representative, State Representative Abdelnasser Rashid, Berwyn, civil rights, protests, taxes, funding, education, medical
Community Voice: Palestinian Resistance is a Latinx Issue
community voice, FeaturedGuest UserLiberation, immigration struggles, Palestinian struggles, detain, deportation, migrants, Cicero, Town of Cicero, Palestine, Gaza, occupation, Israel, Nakba, human rights, Latinx, Latine, Hamas, Benjamin Netanyahu, Zionist, Palestine Opinion Editorial
‘Why Does My Town Feel Like an Interstate?’
Community, EnvironmentEfrain SorianoTown of Cicero, Cicero, Public Transportation, Commute, School, Students, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, CMAP, Morton East High School, Unity Jr. High School, Morton Freshman Center, Cermak Road, Cicero Avenue, Laramie Ave, Roosevelt Road, Illinois Department of Transportation, Muse Community Designs, Pedestrian Safety, Kids, Bikes, bike routes, pedestrian, safety, Ogden Ave, Chicago History Museum, D99, D201, Hawthorne Western Electric
Town of Cicero Receives Grant Money For Homelessness Prevention, Housing Rehabilitation And Inclusive Park
Board MeetingsLeslie Hurtadofunding, grants, taxes, Town of Cicero, Cicero, Larry Dominick, Community Development Block Grant, housing rehabilitation, homelessness prevention, inclusive park, Phil Fuentes, Phil Fuentes Ability Park, flooding, fair wage, green infrastructure, MWRD
How a Children’s Playground Is Helping With Flood Mitigation in a Small, Historic New Jersey City
EnvironmentCicero Independienteclimate change, environmental injustice, parks, green space, playgrounds, INN, Borderless Magazine, Inside Climate News, Cook County, Cicero, Town of Cicero, inclusive park, Phil Fuentes Ability Park, Climate Swing, flood mitigation, New Jersey
Rooting out Risk: Cicero’s Challenge to Build a Safe Inclusive Park
EnvironmentLeslie Hurtadoclimate change, environmental injustice, parks, green space, playgrounds, INN, Borderless Magazine, Inside Climate News, Cook County, Cicero, Town of Cicero, Inclusion Park, Climate Swing, State Rep Lisa Hernandez, Larry Dominick, Phil Fuentes Ability Park, inclusive, Phil Fuentes
Chicago’s Latino Neighborhoods Have Less Access to Parks, But Residents Are Working to Change That
EnvironmentCicero Independienteclimate change, environmental injustice, parks, green space, playgrounds, INN, Borderless Magazine, Inside Climate News, Cook County, Cicero, Town of Cicero, Inclusion Park, Climate Swing, park desert, Brighton Park
Finding a Fix for Playgrounds That Are Too Hot to Touch
EnvironmentCicero Independienteclimate change, environmental injustice, parks, green space, playgrounds, INN, Borderless Magazine, Inside Climate News, Cook County, Cicero, Town of Cicero, Inclusion Park, Climate Swing
Cicero Approves Key Grants, Announces Appointments and Allocates $500 Thousand for Forestry Service
Board MeetingsCicero Independienteliquor license regulations, bars closures, grants, urban forestry, green alley, police cameras, block parties, 61st Court, Lombard Avenue, Superintendent of Police, Deputy Superintendent, Gang Crimes Unit, stop signs, Urban and Community Forestry Service Grant, Morton Arboretum, tree inventories, urban forest management plans, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, 2024 Green Alley Paving Project, street racing, drifting, impounded vehicles, Illinois Department of Human Services, tobacco prevention, Unique Plumbing Company, Burlington Northern Santa Fe yard, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Illinois Law Enforcement Training, body cameras, vehicle cameras, data storage, police officer training, settlement, personal injury claim, Fran Reitz, Chair of the Fire and Police Committee, John Cava, Chair of the Public Works, Buildings and Grounds Committee, Lido Manetti, Supervisor of the Water Department, chair of the Stormwater Advisory Board, Jessica Jaramillo, Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Cicero, Town of Cicero
Cicero Plans to Construct Green Alleys as Residents Call for Flood Prevention Action
Community, Accountability, EnvironmentCicero Independienterain gardens, rain barrels, permeable pavement, runoff pollution, flooding, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, Town of Cicero, green alleys
Elected Officials Are Opting Out Of Secret Koppers Community Meetings About Air Pollution. But The Company Says The Meetings Will continue — In Secret
Environment, InvestigativeGuest UserKoppers, air pollution, Illinois EPA, state attorney general’s office, Village of Stickney, Koppers Community Advisory Panel, coal tar plant, Cook County, Illinois Open Meetings Act, open meetings, The Air We Breathe, investigations, MuckRock, Cicero, Town of Cicero, YMCA, Berwyn, Delia Barajas, Greater Chicago Legal Clinic, environmental justice, Illinois state Rep. Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernandez, Lisa Hernandez, Leroy Ball, naphthalene, benzene
Cicero Public Library Employees Claim Frustration with “Toxic Work Environment”
InvestigativeEfrain SorianoCicero, Town of Cicero, Cicero Public Library, Seed Library, Tech tutorials, Employees, Ismael Vargas, Library Board President, Hostile Work Environment, Sandra Tomschin, Law firm, Odelson, Murphey, Frazier & McGrath Ltd, Allegations, Overworked, Understaffed, Termination, resignation, Executive director, Racial slur, Investigation, Board meeting, allegations
Opinion: Cicero And Berwyn Continue To Have People Who Are Willing To Stand Up To Hate
District 201, Community, opinion, ImmigrationIrene RomuloCicero, Town of Cicero, Czech, immigrants, Larry Dominick, Berwyn, Central America, South America, St. Michael And All Angels Episcopal Church, asylum seekers, Reverend, Church, mental health services, free, resources, childcare, budget, funding, flooding, immigration
Town President Larry Dominick Critiques Chicago's Crime and Migration Policies During Cicero Town Board Meeting
Board MeetingsLeslie Hurtadogrant funding, Town funding, Town of Cicero, tax money, Settlements, Larry Dominick, EPA, board meetings, local government, funding, Cicero Independiente, Luis Velazquez, Kopper's Plant, EPA violations, Joe Virusso, Finance Committee, Victor Garcia, Fire and Police Committee, Blanca Vargas, Cicero Police Department, Illinois Workers’ Compensation, Fourth Amendment rights violations, vehicle towing and storage regulations, video gaming terminal operations, Neighborly Software, Illinois Housing Development Authority, Cicero's Housing Department, Green Alley Paving Improvements Project, Senior Advisory Commission, Stormwater Advisory Board, Ordinance No. 70-23, Lincoln Elementary School, District 99, literacy, Charity Parish, Family Focus, The Latino Alzheimer's Alliance, Morton College, Our Lady the Mystical Rose Parish, St. Anthony Catholic Church, Good Friday, Barstool Games, gaming cafe, public hearing, Planning and Zoning Commission, FEMA grant, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, Saema Qadri, Cicero dentist, Health Clinic, Legacy Fire Apparatus, Cicero Fire Department, ambulance, Rehrig Pacific Company, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, streetscaping project, Cermak Road, settlements, Pat Daganutti, Board of Water Commissioners, Board of Fire and Police
The Inside Story On A Billion-Dollar Chemical Company’s Fight To Keep Its Secrets From The Public
Environment, InvestigativeCicero IndependienteTown of Cicero, Village of Stickney, Stickney township, air quality, environmental racism, environmental justice, environment, Village Stickney Clerk, Mary Green Public Relations Consulting Firm, FOIA, Koppers, community meetings, community, Morton College, fire chief, local government, Cook County, Chicago suburbs, Illinois EPA, EPA, Environment Protection Agency, Berwyn YMCA, Berwyn, The Air We Breathe