COVID-19 Updates for Cicero: Some Nearby Hospitals’ Intensive Care Units Almost at Capacity

Exterior of Access Hawthorne Family Health Center on the 3000 block of Cicero Ave on January 11, 2021. Access Hawthorne Family Health Center has a COVID-19 testing site next door to the health center (left). Photo by April Alonso.
By Luis Velazquez
Cicero has surpassed 11,000 overall reported cases of people who have tested positive for the coronavirus as of January 11, according to the Cook County Public Health data. Making it the highest town with COVID-19 cases in suburban Cook County.
On October 27, 2020, Cicero had 5,645 confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Other towns, such as Des Plaines have confirmed 7,158 cases and Berwyn has reported 6,234 cases.
Cicero does not have a local hospital and COVID-19 patients seeking emergency medical attention must go to nearby hospitals. According to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services data, the following hospitals are currently treating COVID-19 patients.

There are 8,523 deaths in total within Cook county. At least 164 deaths have been reported in Cicero, according to the medical examiner's office.
Luis Velazquez is a contributing reporter for Cicero Independiente and is currently studying journalism at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
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