More Payments for Town Festivals, Lalo Mora, Cadetes de Linares and Tropical del Bravo Approved by Board
Town Board, from L to R, Town Trustee Bob Porod, John Cava, Blanca Vargas, Town Clerk Maria Puñoz-Arias, Town President Larry Dominick, Town Trustee Victor Garcia, Emilio Cundari, Town Collector Fran Reitz, Town Supervisor Joe Virruso on April 12th, 2022 (Photo from the Town of Cicero Facebook).
By Michael Izquierdo
Cicero Town Board members met on April 12 for their biweekly meeting to discuss and approve several agenda items.
This week’s agenda included a couple of amendments to their Code of Ordinances, agreements to receive additional entertainment and technological services, authorizing invoices and quotes from the Cook County Sheriff’s Department and Ko Real Estate And Remolding LLC, promotions for first responders, and more.
You can view all the ordinances and resolutions that were approved here.
Here is a summary of the approved agenda items:
Amendments to Code of Ordinances
The Town made several amendments to their Code of Ordinances to update regulations to obtain an entertainment license and permit parking.
The board amended multiple sections of Chapters 10, 14, and 26 to the Code of Ordinances to clarify how businesses can maintain entertainment licenses.
Chapter 10
Those who submit an application for an entertainment license are required to submit a form to the business license director prescribed by the business license department, with the exception of Class A or Class A-B local liquor licensee holders with an occupancy amount of 90 or fewer people, Class G, H, I and J local liquor licenses.
All license holders must display their entertainment license framed and hung in plain sight on the licensed premises and include the maximum occupancy for the space. Fees for the entertainment licenses were changed.
Chapter 14
All entertainment licenses are required for theatricals, shows, disc jockeys, bands, musical performances, comedy shows, and other entertainment at establishments that exhibit a local liquor license.
No municipality, park district, school district, religious organization, registered not-for-profit organization, or other areas of local government are required to obtain an entertainment license and aren’t subjected to the municipal amusement tax for any entertainment or amusement event.
All local liquor license holders that offer entertainment are required to pay an annual entertainment license fee, such as:
Local Liquor Class A and A-B occupants of 90 people and lower: Exempt
199 occupants and under: $2,000
200 to 300 occupants: $4,000
301 or higher occupants: $6,000
Chapter 26
There are certain individual entertainment license holders that are required to pay the Town.
Amusements/Entertainments not holding a liquor license: $250
Circuses, carnivals, menageries, wild west shows, dog and pony shows: $250
Motion picture theaters: $150 per screen, $150 per concession stand
Theatrical, dramatic, operatic, vaudeville, etc.: $250
The St. Mary of Czestochowa Parish submitted a request to have parking requirements adjusted for 30th Street between 49th Avenue and 48th Court to accommodate their members on Sundays. The Town amended the parking ordinance so that no person can park their vehicles on Sundays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on either side of the aforementioned streets except those with a town-issued vehicle hangtag, permit, or sticker.
Approval of Certain Agreements
The Town continues to enter into various entertainment and technological agreements with businesses for upcoming events and festivals happening in the following months.
An agreement was approved between the Town and All Around Amusement, Inc. to provide amusement rides, attractions, concession stands, and other activities at the events, such as Cicero Fest, Cinco De Mayo, Houby Festival, and the Mexican Independence Festival.
For each event, the Town will have to pay All Around $30,000, a total of at least $120,000 for each event, and a 55/45 split payment will be made with the company for all gross receipts made from the sale of admission tickets.
The following dates are when the events will take place this year:
Cinco De Mayo: May 5 to May 8
Cicero Fest: June 30 to July 4
Mexican Independence Festival: September 15 to September 18
Houby Festival: October 6 to October 10
Klandestino Entertainment Inc. and the Town entered agreements to provide the artists and certain stage services for the upcoming festivals. For each event, the Town will be charged various package and equipment rental fees.
The following services and fees include:
Cinco De Mayo: artists Lalo Mora, Cadetes de Linares: el Ultimo Batallon, and Tropical del Bravo for $27,000.
Cicero Fest: Stage 16’ x 24’ and adequate and professional lights and sound system for the 2nd stage for $6,500.
Mexican Independence Festival: Stage 16’ x 24’ and adequate and professional lights and sound system for the 2nd stage for $7,000.
Houby Festival: Stage 16’ x 24’ and adequate and professional lights and sound system for the 2nd stage for $7,000.
Current Technologies Corporation will provide an additional six security cameras, for a total of 12, and other equipment for surveillance at the aforementioned festivals occurring at 34th Street and Laramie Avenue. The total cost of these services comes to $21,412.32.
Authorization of Property, Proposals and Software
Back in February, the Town approved an agreement with Vequity LLC, a Delaware company, to purchase property located at 3300 S. Cicero Avenue, the northwest corner of Cicero Avenue and West 33rd Place, to subdivide the property by constructing one or more buildings and then lease them as a restaurant and/or retail space in the future. This property is located in a Tax Increment Financing District in the town.
The Town of Cicero agreed to sell this property to the company for a total of $2.1 million.
The Town approved a proposal with The Heating and Cooling Works, Inc. to provide various repair or replacement of individual parts services, such as fans, motors, belts, dehydrators, nozzles, diaphragms, pressure control, and many more. The Town will be expected to pay $2,450 quarterly for these services.
The IT Department was approved to purchase updated Microsoft Server and SQL Server licenses to host their new software, Tyler Technology solutions. The department’s current licenses had not been updated for several years, some being old as 2003. Elarasys Worldwide, LLC will provide these updated licenses for a total cost of $124,640.
Approval of Invoices and Quotes
The Cicero Police Department submitted an invoice for the tuition of police officer candidates who are receiving training at Cook County’s Sheriff’s Police Academy. The invoice comes to a total of $13,000 to train four officers, known as Omero Garduno, Kyle Johansen, Miguel Avila, and Richard Lara.
These candidates are expected to graduate on April 21.
Ko Real Estate and Remodeling LLC was commissioned to provide the installation of new carpeting at the Town’s Senior Center. The labor of removing the existing carpet and installing a 2,900 sq ft. carpet tile will cost $11,455.
Michael Izquierdo is a local freelance journalist and a contributing reporter for Cicero Independiente.
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