Cicero District 99 Superintendent Rodolfo Hernandez Announces Retirement

Former Cicero District 99 Superintendent Rodolfo Hernandez (photo from District 99 website).
By Irene Romulo
In an email sent to District 99 staff members late last week, Superintendent Rodolfo Hernandez announced his retirement from the district.
“I am writing to inform you that due to health and family matters, I have decided to retire to attend to those matters,” the email from Hernandez read.
Several teachers Cicero Independiente reached out to were surprised at the unexpected announcement but hope the district will use this as an opportunity to hire someone that will be more receptive to feedback from students, families and teachers.
“We wish Mr. Hernandez well and we look forward to working with a new superintendent to continue to improve the learning conditions for our students,” said Rachel Esposito, president of the Cicero Council via written statement.
Hernandez had recently come under fire for the decision to return to in-school learning and for his response to last year’s uprisings for racial justice.
Approval of Hernandez’s contract with the district had been tabled the last two school board meetings.
The District has not returned requests for additional information. There will be a special board meeting this Thursday, April 1 at 5 p.m.. Members of the public who wish to attend and make a public comment can register at this link or can listen in by calling (562) 247-8321 and entering access code 399-297-299.
Note: This article has been updated to include information about the special school board meeting and a statement from the Cicero Council President. It incorrectly stated that the Superintendent resigned instead of retired.
Irene Romulo is a contributing writer and editor for Cicero Independiente. Follow her @IreneinCicero
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