As of 8: 53 PM, 113 of 113 Precincts Reported their results to the Cook County Clerk. Mail-in ballots still need to be reported, the following election results for the Suburban Cook County February 25, 2025 Consolidated Primary Election for Cicero & Berwyn are:
Town of Cicero President: Larry Dominick
Town of Cicero Supervisor: Joe Virruso
Town of Cicero Assessor: Emilio “Emo” Cundari
Town of Cicero Collector: Frances F. “Fran” Reitz
Town of Cicero Clerk: Maria A. Punzo-Arias
Town of Cicero Trustees: Robert F. “Bob” Porod, Blanca M. Vargas
Berwyn Mayor: Robert J. Lovero
Berwyn City Clerk: Leticia “Letty” Garcia
Berwyn City Treasurer: Lizbeth “Libby” Linares-Herrera
Alderperson, City of Berwyn, Ward 1: Micah Caldwell *Possible runoff in April 1, 2025 elections, we have yet to confirm.*
Alderperson, City of Berwyn, Ward 2: Joshua Bowman
Alderperson, City of Berwyn, Ward 3: Richard E. Leja
Alderperson, City of Berwyn, Ward 4: Robert W. Fejt
Alderperson, City of Berwyn, Ward 5: Robert J. “Rob” Pabon
Alderperson, City of Berwyn, Ward 6: Theodore J. “Teddy” Polashek
Alderperson, City of Berwyn, Ward 7: Sara Barnett Bruckmann
Alderperson, City of Berwyn, Ward 8: Joseph Carmichael
We’ll share updates as soon as we get the results from tonight’s elections. We have freelance photojournalist, Sebastian Hidalgo, is out covering election night campaign events. Unfortunately, CVA informed him that their gathering is private and closed to the press. Instead, Sebastian will be at the CRU election party, capturing residents’ reactions and candidates’ thoughts on the results.
The Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights informed us of an incident reported by a Berwyn resident earlier this morning at the North Berwyn Park District polling site on 16th and Wesley. According to the report, an election judge called the police on a volunteer who was distributing literature for the April school board election.
The volunteer, David Goldberg, confirmed that the incident occurred at 9:30 AM.
As of 8:34 PM, we have confirmed the following statement from Goldberg:
"I was handing out literature for school board candidates for the April 1 school board elections (District 98). An election judge came out, accused me of being less than 100 feet from the polling place, and became aggressive, swearing and threatening to call the police. Three Cook County sheriffs arrived, and one told me I was 'being detained on a criminal complaint.' They demanded to see my ID, which was captured on video. They wrote down my information and eventually let me go without filing any charges."
The video referenced was recorded by Goldberg’s wife, Missy Mouritsen.
The scene at Goodwin Elementary today is a tale of two precincts. On one side of the gym-turned polling place, Precinct 19 has seen a total of 150 voters as of 6:35. While precinct 18 has only seen 70 voters total turn out. About 15 of those voters trickled in during this last hour, just making the 7:00 PM cutoff.
Poll workers began putting away voting booths at 6:40 and left just one open for any lingering voters. There is no line of voters waiting and it judges are preparing to process write in votes.
At 1:26 PM, Jesus stopped by Liberty, where turnout was slow, though a rush was expected later in the day. He returned closer to poll closing to check in again.
As of 6:56 PM, a total of 182 voters had cast ballots at Liberty, the majority during early voting. Poll workers still had booths set up as voting wrapped up.
Voter turnout remains slow, with fewer than 100 ballots cast so far.
Jesus J. Montero experienced intimidation from two individuals . Upon arriving and taking a seat, after checking in with the election judges the individuals approached him and began making accusations. Montero, who holds a poll-watching credential from the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights as well as a media credential. He was accused of taking photos of the individuals who were poll watching , which he stated he was not.
Montero reached out to the Cicero Independiente team. When prompted, he explained that the election judges were in the back and could not intervene when officers first approached Montero. Additional officers were being called to the scene. A total of six officers.
We contacted Ami Gandhi, Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Midwest Voting Rights Program at the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, to document the incident. Gandhi reported it to the Cook County Clerk’s Office, which responded swiftly. The issue is also expected to be reported to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office. We were informed that because the police at Parkholme will be documenting their version of events, both accounts will be on record.
Additionally, the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights notified us that the election judge present during the incident did not find the response from the two individuals justified.
Around 6:10 PM, I observed an election judge failing to use the privacy shield, a measure meant to protect voter privacy. When I reminded the judge of the rules, another election judge declined to answer my questions about the issue and refused to provide his name.
Theresa, one of the election judges, mentioned that she had been receiving conflicting instructions throughout the day regarding the use of the privacy shield.
An election judge at this location has been assisting a first-time voter with the registration process for 20 minutes. The reason for the delay is unclear, as the voter has multiple forms of ID.
Additional update as of 8:17 PM: Irene stayed at the polling location until 7:30. Election workers had a hard time registering two voters, one a first timer. She was on the phone with Ami Ghandi until the issue was resolved. Irene noted that election judges started breaking down the polling booths before all voters were done. One voter wanted a paper ballot but the stations were all put away so she had to do an electronic ballot.
Cook County Commissioner Frank J. Aguila was present at the Roosevelt Elementary School polling site, where residents from the 2nd and 4th precincts are casting their votes. Aguila was seated alongside poll watchers for District 4.
Diana García, candidate for Town Collector, was also at the location, serving as a poll watcher for the 2nd precinct.
As of 3:51 PM, voter turnout stands at:
Precinct 2: 36 voters
Precinct 4: 27 voters
Voter turnout at Morton Freshman Center has been slow.
As of 1:30 p.m., 105 voters have cast their ballots here. There have been no redirections or issues reported at this time.
A significant number of paper ballots were requested at the polling location inside the Cicero Police Training Academy.
Additionally, voters are being offered snacks, water, or coffee once they finish voting. Candidate for town trustee, Blanca M. Vargas, stopped by at 1:00 p.m. to greet and talk to the election judges. No voters were inside the polling location at that time. As of 1:15 p.m., 63 votes have been cast at this location.
A notable turnout at the Public Safety Building on 34th Street, with about 45 total voters confirmed by 11:30am. Election judges here were hard at work, I witnessed multiple judges exhibit a great deal of patience and flexibility as they spent nearly 40 minutes helping an elderly woman register to vote.
In case you need a refresher on what forms of ID are acceptable to register to vote with, here it is again:
• Social Security card
• Birth certificate
• Utility bill
• Mail postmarked to voter
• Passport
• Public assistance/Link card
• Lease or rental contract
An important note about this location: if you use a mobility aid (i.e a scooter or walker), although accessible to enter, the polling place may be a bit cramped for comfort. Election judges found themselves moving polling booths, tables and chairs to accommodate two voters who used mobility aids.
A reminder for voters to check their precinct and correct voting location prior to entering a location. You can check yours using this link
As of 11:40 AM, there have been 9 voters. Three have been redirected to a different location that’s close by, Morton Freshman Center.
At 11:49 AM, an election worker asked the Cicero Independiente team why we were poll watching and where staff worked. We replied and said we are with the press and are closely monitoring the voting process to inform voters of their rights, as well as providing correct voting information.
The election worker is not familiar with poll watching and asked when we would leave.
As of 12:22 pm the total amount of voters today is 57.
At the Columbus West voting location, there are about 8 electioneers legally operating outside. This includes three men dressed in all black, wearing hats (two red and one blue) with “LARRY DOMINICK” printed in bold white letters. The style and font of the hats closely resembled the "MAGA" hats associated with the Trump campaign.
Around 9:30 a.m., one of the men entered the polling area, briefly spoke with a poll worker, then went to a table behind the election judges to get food and a drink. The election judges were informed of the electioneering laws, and the man left immediately after receiving his drink. At the time, no voters were present.
“Even if someone is a partisan poll watcher, no one should be wearing partisan materials in the polling place,” said Conner Kozisek. Equal Justice Works Fellow | Midwest Voting Rights Program, Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights.
If you feel intimidated or uncomfortable at the polls due to illegal electioneering, call this number: 866-687-8683.
While I was taking a photo of the building, one of the electioneers yelled from across the street, “Take a picture of his ass too!” Shortly after, another approached me and asked what I was doing in an apparent attempt to intimidate me - Efrain.
A reminder to voters that you don’t have to talk to anyone besides election judges inside the polling location.
At the Cicero Stadium the Cicero Voters Alliance has a precinct captain stationed inside close to the building entrance. She is asking voters for their name and address to mark them on their rolls and hand them her business card. Voters do not need to talk to her or answer her questions. As of 11, 16 people have voted at this location.
There are electioneers from both the CVA and CRU outside of the building handing out flyers.
Voters are trickling in at the Cicero Public Library. As of 9:40, 16 people have voted here. The Cicero Residents United and the Cicero Voters Alliance both have poll workers handing out information to voters outside of the library.
Sandra Tomschin, is working as a precinct captain for the CVA inside the polling location, taking roll of everyone who comes in to vote. This means they have a long list of registered voters and they check off your name when you come in to vote. She left the polling location around 9:15 am.
Early voting numbers in Cicero and Berwyn greatly surpassed numbers from the February 2021 elections–the last time residents had a chance to vote for Town President & Berwyn City Mayor. In Cicero, 3,614 people voted early this year compared to only 939 in 2021, according to the Cook County Clerk website. In Berwyn, 2,536 people voted during the early voting period compared to only 1,550 in February 2021.
Cicero Independiente staff will be nonpartisan poll watchers on election day after receiving training from the Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights. You can send us questions or issues directly via social media or to our phone number, 708-683-9340.
You can also call the voter hotline staffed by attorneys from the Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights at 866-687-8683. They will be answering calls on Election Day, February 25 from 8am to 4pm.
Voter turnout is slow to start this morning at Columbus West, with a total of 10 voters casting ballots so far, according to the election judge. No major issues have been reported at the site. One voter inquired about surrendering a mail-in ballot to vote in person. The election judge was initially unaware of the process. The correct procedure: the voter must hand over their mail-in ballot, which the election judge marks as “SURRENDERED” on the postage side. The voter can then proceed with a standard ballot—no provisional ballot is required. A helpful note for others heading to the polls today.
On February 25, Cicero and Berwyn voters will get a chance to vote for members of the Cicero Town Board and Berwyn’s City Council.
To help inform voters, we sent a survey to all the candidates running for office in Cicero and Berwyn. You can read their responses here.
The questions we asked were informed by our five years of reporting in the area, as well as conversations and surveys we’ve conducted with residents in both municipalities.
Local elected officials make important decisions about local laws, how our tax dollars are spent, the programs that we have access to as well as how our local government will respond to federal changes. We hope the information we’re sharing will help you make an informed decision about who to vote for and will help you hold them accountable.
You can find your voting location by looking up your address here.
Cicero Independiente staff will be poll watching on election day after receiving training from the Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights. You can send us questions or issues here at 708-683-9340.
📞 You can also call the voter hotline staff by attorneys at 866-687-8683. They will be open on Monday, February 24 from 10-2pm and on Election Day, February 25 from 8am to 4pm.